SAM Uth Chennai, India
Chennai, India a city as diverse as the country of India with a jumble of sights, sounds, smells, religion, people and animals all competing for the same air and place. Enter the vision of SAM Uth, a meeting of ideas and people from around the world who have a common desire to make a difference in the world. From entrepreneurs to award winning scientists, artists, musicians, a yoga instructor, a snake charmer, and an Antarctica explorer all brought together by SAM Uth to inspire each other, India and the world. The conversations around the dinner tables were amazing and insightful and I made many lasting friendships. Inventions came out of our time together as well as plans for further collaboration. Wonderful volunteers made the event successful and the founder, Samuel Eddy has many plans to continue to inspire the world. It was an honor to be part of this global opportunity and life changing event.